Sasha Likhachev

Founder and CEO

 How it came to be…

My name is Sasha Likhachev and I attend Winchester Thurston High School. When Covid-19 first hit in spring 2020, plenty aspects of my daily life changed. Not only was I unable to see friends and go outside often, but I had to sit in front of my computer screen for five hours a day (attempting) to listen in on my class lectures and discussions. Obviously, this took a toll on my academic life. While I managed to maintain my grades, I felt like like I wasn’t being challenged, but rather looking at the same material over and over again. Not to mention, I definitely experienced a lack of motivation to complete assigned work. When I came to the discovery that my peers were having the same academic issues as me, I realized that something needed to be done.

Later that spring, I went around my neighborhood and spoke to several parents about how they felt their kids were doing on a school front. Almost every parent said the same thing - their children were learning less and less everyday. In addition, parents complained that teachers were simply unreachable and they were doing most of the teaching themselves (obviously interfering with work and other important adult events). As I saw a common theme of worry and disappointment rise among the families I was speaking to, I knew that I had to create a solution to the problem. Being a tutor for four years prior to that time, and having two entrepreneurial parents, I decided that I would start my business, Teens4Tutors.